메인메뉴 바로가기본문 바로가기하단메뉴 바로가기

롯데홀리데이 상담안내

09:00 ~ 18:00
10:00 ~ 18:00

공립고등학교유학(1년) + 주립대자동입학프로그램

미국의 전문교육컨설팅 회사인 Global Study Connections와 함께 미국의 사립 초.중.고등학교로 유학 가려는 학생들을 위해 전문적인 교육서비스를 제공합니다. Global Study Connections는 미국의 100개가 넘는 검증된 사립고등학교와 보딩스쿨 그리고 미국 대학교등과 파트너를 맺고 있습니다.

John "Jay" Brennan CEO of Global Study Connections

Mr. Brennan holds two advanced degrees including a Master's in Education. He has worked for over 30 years with a number of private day and boarding schools as: Associate Head of School for External Affairs, Director of Admissions and Residential Life, founder and Head of two Christian schools, Director of Development and Alumni Affairs, college counselor, pastor and teacher. He has traveled extensively in Asia where he has led seminars on topics such as, "Gaining Entrance In to America's Top Universities." and "Twelve Marks of a Good Boarding School."

Welcome to Global Study Connections (GSC). I want to introduce the many services what we provide for international families and students who are looking for a study abroad experience. Our work with international students has included serving as: senior administrator for a New England boarding school, teacher, dorm parents, college counselor, Head of School for two private elementary schools, Admissions Director and Residential Life Director. In addition, a number of the GSC staff members have themselves been an international student here in the US which further enables us to help students make the right connections in their pursuit of a study abroad experience. The testimonials from students and parents speak of the commitment Global Study Connections has to helping your study abroad dreams come true! Thank you for this opportunity to serve you!

Warm Regards,
John "Jay" Brennan, M.Div.,M.Ed.

프로그램 신청 안내

국가,도시,현재시간,시차순으로 나타낸 표
구분 내용
프로그램명 미국 사립 초.중.고등학교 유학
지역 미국 동부 및 서부
대상 초4-고3 (4th-12th)
지원시기/기간 9월학기/1월학기 (1 Academic Year)
불포함내역 1. 학교원서+학교선생님 추천서+자기소개서
2. 여권복사본
3. 3년간 성적표
4. 영어성적 (iTEP 혹은 TOEFL)
5. 학생&가족사진
6. Skype 인터뷰를 위한 학생의 ID

지역 및 학교소개
